About the Chamber

More than 550+ members strong, the CVCC offers an array of programs to help area business owners improve their bottom line. We are open to anyone, anywhere who seeks the many benefits of membership. The Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce serves 13 Communities in the Chagrin Valley. If you live or work in the following communities, you have much to gain as a member of the Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Auburn, Bainbridge, Bentleyville, Chagrin Falls, Gates Mills, Hunting Valley, Moreland Hills, Newbury, Orange, Pepper Pike, Russell, South Russell, and Woodmere
The Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) serves as a powerful regional force: encouraging business to relocate to the Chagrin Valley; presenting the interests of business and industry before local and state governments; supporting the cultural and civic life of the communities; and working to make the Valley a better place to live and do business.
The Chamber was incorporated in 1943 as the Chamber of Commerce of Chagrin Falls. it was organized to advance the commercial, industrial, and civic interests of Chagrin Falls and surrounding areas. In 1957, the name was officially changed to Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce to recognize the needs of the Chagrin Valley as a whole. We are one chamber serving the needs of businesses and individuals in thirteen Chagrin Valley communities.
If you are considering moving either your residence or business to the Chagrin Valley, please contact the CVCC to seek advice as to how we can support your transition. We stand ready to assist you!